Main Street Banner Specifications

Main Street Banner Specifications

Last year during the pandemic, the Village was able to install two sets of banner poles on Main Street, replacing one banner location that was currently being used and one that had not been used for some time. The new banner systems do not require hanging banners from...
Fire Hydrant Flushing

Fire Hydrant Flushing

Please be advised: The Village of Cooperstown Water Department will start flushing hydrants on Monday, April 19, 2021 at 5:00 a.m.
Spring Clean up!

Spring Clean up!

To facilitate spring clean-up, the Village of Cooperstown will be picking up green yard waste Monday – Friday beginning at 7 a.m. during the month of April, weather permitting. After April, pickup will be the last Thursday of each month....
Vaccine Mini-Flyers, Tips & Links

Vaccine Mini-Flyers, Tips & Links

Dear Hunger Coalition of Otsego County (HCOC) Network,To print this news, Vaccine mini-flyers, Tips & Links, or full page ad – see attachmentsSUNY Oneonta is now a New York State POD (Point of Dispensing) for the COVID-19vaccine. As you have probably heard, they...