Doubleday Field

Many people recognize Cooperstown as the Home of Baseball.  We welcome thousands of visitors to the Village each year to tour the National Baseball Hall of Fame and enjoy and/or partake in a game at Abner Doubleday Field.

Apart from several sandlot games with youth, the first significant competitive game played at Doubleday Field between adult teams occurred on September 6, 1920 as part of a Street Fair celebration sponsored by the Cooperstown Chamber of Commerce intended to raise additional funds to purchase the property from the Phinney family.  A Cooperstown team played the Cuban Giants, winning the game, 9-8.  There is a box score and newspaper account of the occasion.

The use of the field has changed significantly over time.  It once hosted Cooperstown Central School’s football team and continues to be the site of most of the High School’s baseball games.  Doubleday field has been the site of the National Baseball Hall of Fame game, bringing major league teams to Cooperstown to play and now hosts the National Baseball Hall of Fame Classic game bring major league alumni to play a game on Memorial Day weekend.

You too can partake in the spirit of the game by visiting the field to either watch or play a game.  For more information on Doubleday Field, whether as a team looking to rent the field or as visitors hoping to watch a game please visit Doubleday Field at

We look forward to your visit.